Last year’s Socal S2000 beach cruise was one to remember – with over 310 S2k’s showing up: See more here >
This year was a bit different with the current pandemic so I don’t think anywhere near as many cars showed up. Nonetheless it was another great cruise through the heart of Socal. This year it was hosted by S2k Gil
Several caravans grouped up in San Diego, Inland Emprire, LA, Orange County. I was supposed to roll with the Orange County group but that snooze button was looking mighty fine that morning..
Here’s my 2003 AP1 S2000 I brought. Yes I know it’s got that monster truck fitmet:

We started at a beachfront parking lot in Malibu on a slightly foggy California morning. There was plenty of interesting builds to see:

Met some really cool people and we hung out there for a while, then it was time to cruise. Exiting the parking lot was a nightmare with a light that only let maybe 10 cars through before turning red. So we got pretty split up.
You just can’t complain about a cruise through PCH in a Honda S2000 though. Top down cruising with a group of S2k’s on a crisp California morning is something we all dream of. Here’s how that went:

That’s all the images I got during the cruise. I spent most the time enjoying the views and enjoying the drive.
Then we arrived at Neptune’ Net (the Fast and Furious) restaurant. Parking was a challenge. There was no parking allowed in the lot so we all had to park on the side of the road. With no real meet up spot except a tight side of the road we all got pretty split up and started to go our separate ways.
I didn’t get any good shots of us at Neptune’s Net but I think the ones above give you a good enough idea. Overall, it was a great day and another great s2000 cruise in Socal. I can’t wait for next years.
If you like S2000’s take a lot at a few of our other articles: