What is a 6×6?
It’s an amphibious 6 wheel drive passenger vehicle that’s designed to let nothing stop it.
If a 4 wheeler won’t cut it for you, a 6×6 will get you anywhere. Swamps, snow, desert, and mud all feel like a walk in the park driving this.
Maz started producing vehicles in 1960 and made them all the way through 2013. You can read about the company’s current state here.
Quick Breakdown of the Max 2:
- 14-23hp Briggs & Stratton V Twin Engine
- Skid Steer Transmission (Uses Steering Levers)
- Amphibious Capability
- Dry Weight ~ 710 pounds
- Polyurethane Body

Does it Float?
Yes, of course! The polyurethane body is sealed to keep the water out and buoyant tires keep the 6×6 afloat. You won’t be crossing rivers or rough waters though. It is extremely slow. Only the grooves on the tires propel it forward. There is no propeller or water driving mechanism that engages once you hit the water.

It’s really designed for ponds and small bodies of standing water. However, if you’ve got a will, there’s a way. Some 6×6 owners have mounted an outboard motor that gives them the speed and water capability these miss from the factory.
When you go into the water the weight balance can often be off. So the passengers need to lean to one side to prevent it from taking on water or even tipping.

What Engine and Transmission Does it Use?
Every Max 2 6×6 uses a Vanguard twin cylinder that comes in a few different sizes and horsepower ratings. It’s an engine you find in lawn equipment and tractors but it makes a great fit for these slow moving 6×6’s. These engines have been around for a long time and are known for being reliable. Here’s a look at the available vanguard options for your Max 2 6×6:
Max Model Type | Displacement (CC) | Horsepower Rating |
450T | 480cc | 14 HP |
500T | 480cc | 16 HP |
600T | 570cc | 18 HP |
850T | 674cc | 23 HP |
Paired up that engine is a T-20 skid steer transmission. It does not use a differential. There are essentially two separate transmissions inside one aluminum case that each power the left or right wheels independently.
This lets you donuts in place with the steer. So you can do a complete 360 degree turn while staying in place.

How Do You Drive it?
The steering situation is strange for first timers. There is not a traditional steering wheel or pedals you see in other offroad vehicles. Instead, there are two levers that come out of the floorboard in the middle of the bench seat. Attached to one lever is an accelerator grip you squeeze to apply more or less power.
Here’s a quick breakdown on how to drive the Max 6×6:
To accelerate: Squeeze the accellarot attached to a lever.
To turn left: Pull back on the left lever to slow the left side wheels and you will start to turn right.
To turn right: Pull back on the right lever
To stop: Pull both levers back

How Fast Can It Go?
A Max 2 6×6 will reach a top speed of 19-22 MPH. Not the fastest thing in the world, but that is not the intention of the Max 2. It’s built to be slow and steady and get you anywhere on your property or out in the wilderness.
It doesn’t sound fast compared to other vehicles but once you are driving one of these, it’s an exciting time.

Is It Fun to Drive?
I’ve got a good amount of time on quads (mainly a Honda 400EX) but this is a whole different experience. First of all, you are sitting inside of this, not on top like a 4 wheeler. The model we tested didn’t have seat belts or a roll bar so it felt a little sketchy at times.
The steering mechanisms definitely took a few minutes to get used to. Especially since I haven’t driven anything with skid steer before. Once I got the hang of it, driving it started to feel natural.
We were out in the woods of Georgia So there was plenty of mud and swamp to get dirty in. There was a log blocking an entire pathway but the 6×6 climbed right over it. Then we hit the swamp and did some floating around in the water. Going in and out of the water is where this shines and the swamp was a load of fun.
What’s surprisingly fun is doing donuts in place with the skid steer transmission. Just pull the levers in opposite ways and let it rip.
Attaching Tank Tracks
If you find that there is any obstacle you can’t get over, you can also attach some tracks and turn your max 6×6 into a mini tank.
Finding a set Max 6×6 tracks for sale can be tough. I found an eBay listing for a set that costs $750.

Check out this video from WhistlinDiesel to see what these can do with a set of tracks attached:
Are Parts Available? Where Do You Buy Them?
Since these are no longer in production, aftermarket support is a little limited. Like we talked about earlier though the engine is a Vanguard so parts are readily available for that. Parts that are common to break like the chain and chain guides are easy to find online.
With some skills and determination you can create any modification you dream up on these. The Max 2 we drove has a custom lighting setup all around with a fully functional controller in front.

The owner is actually in the process of adding a custom built rollbar and winch mount as we speak.
There are a few sites you can get parts at:

How Much Do They Cost?
These Max 6×6’s can only be purchased used, since they are no longer sold new. So you will have to do some searching through classifieds and marketplaces to find one. The price you pay is all going to depend on the condition.
You can expect to pay between $2,000 to $6,000.

Other 6×6 Companies
Of course Max isn’t the only company that made these 6×6 amphibious vehicles.
The single most popular alternative is the Argo 6×6. It’s a very similar vehicle in capability but the major difference is it uses a more traditional steering system instead of levers.
Check out the Argo 6×6 here >>>

Should You Get One of These?
Absolutely! Whether you want to use it in the snow, mud, sand, or swamp this off road vehicle will be a blast worth every penny. We were super surprised by the capability of this machine.
The 6 wheels are not just a gimmick. It just keeps on plowing through any terrain. Best of luck in your search! If you get one, you won’t regret it.